Volunteers attending a fund-raising Bingo on behalf of Meals on Wheels. It only takes 2 hours of your time to help raise funds, used for client subsidies, through community gaming. Training and instruction are provided for all who can help out. Email us for more information femow@bellnet.ca.

Program Serves Up Hot Meals to People Who Need It Most
A warm, nutritious meal delivered right to your kitchen can be a blessing an an otherwise bad day. Meals on Wheels provides that service and it does it using a fleet of volunteers and dedicated public servants who have community in thelr hearts and minds. “I do it because we enjoy it; Sharon Kenney, a…

Community Champions Serve Up Hot Meals
Mayor Wayne Redekop took some time last week to deliver piping-hot meals to a handful of Fort Erie’s residents. He was one of a number of community leaders including fire Chief Larry Coplen to make special deliveries last Wednesday with Meals on Wheels volunteers in honour of March for Meals Community Champions Week. Nancy Ryan,…

Food and fellowship are key
Courtesy of Niagara This Week At age 94, Celia Beckett still lives on her own in her two-storey home in downtown Thorold, well beyond the age at which many people have to move into some kind of long-term care. While the feisty woman retains her independence, she admits she gets a little help. That comes…